Wonderful Wild Women and Helen Skelton

At Dronergram, we are always thrilled to share our exciting collaborations and adventures. This time, we had an extraordinary opportunity to work with renowned broadcaster and adventurer, Helen Skelton, along with the inspiring group of the Wonderful Wild Women, in the enchanting Lake District. The mission? An exhilarating dive into Wild Swimming and an enlightening discussion about the benefits of Cold Water Therapy.

Our drones captured the essence of this unique adventure, highlighting the beauty of The Lake District, and the camaraderie of the Wonderful Wild Women. The footage painted a vivid picture of wild swimming, a practice that challenges the boundaries of traditional swimming, while immersing the participants in the beauty of nature. This thrill was further amplified by the cold water therapy sessions, where the icy Lake District waters were used as a tool for invigoration, health and wellness.

Whether you’re interested in extreme sports, the beauty of The Lake District, or the science behind cold water therapy, our drone footage delivers a visual feast that narrates the story from a breathtaking perspective. Through our lens, we bring you closer to the action, the adrenaline, and the audacity of these wild women. We’d like to thank driven and Blacks for this wonderful opportunity. Stay tuned to our blog for more thrilling adventures and captivating drone footage.